Zur Website der OTH Regensburg

Laboratory overview

A - C

Allgemeine Elektrotechnik | General electrical engineering

Room I 106

Bauelemente | Components

Room S 081


Rooms CIP pools S 041 to S 046


Datenkommu- nikation | Data communication

Room U 616

Digitaltechnik und Automatisierung | Digital technology and automation

Room S -128

Dickschicht | Thick film

Room S -103

Digitale Signalverarbeitung | Digital signal processing

Room S 082


Elektrische Anlagen | Electrical installations

Room S 072

Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebssysteme | Electrical machines and drive technology

Room S -173

Elektroakustik | Electroacoustics

Room S -184

Elektrofahrzeug- systeme | Electric Vehicle Systems

Room I 012

Elektromobilität | Electromobility

Room S -191

Elektronik | Electronics

Room S 081

Elektromag- netische Verträglichkeit (EMV) | Electromagnetic compatibility

Room U 617

Energiespeicher und Netztechnik | Energy storage and grid technology

Room I 010



Hochfrequenz- technik | High frequency technology

Room S 077

Hochspannungs- technik | High Voltage Technology

Room S 078


Industrielle Elektronik | Industrial electronics

Room S -133

Intelligente Materialien und Strukturen | Intelligent materials and structures

Room I 108


Lasertechnik | Laser technology

Room S -158

Leistungselek-tronik | Power Electronics

Room S 072


Mechatronik und Robotik | Mechatronics and robotics

Room S -157

Messtechnik | Metrology

Room S 079 / S 080

Mikroelektronik-CAE | Microelectronics - CAE

Room S -156


Optische Übertragungs- systeme | Optical transmission systems

Room S 077

Optoelektronik | Optoelectronics

Room I 102


Regelungstechnik | Control engineering

Room S 071

Regenerative Energien | Regenerative energies

Room S 071 / S 072


Sensor Systeme | Sensor systems

Room I 104

Smart Embedded Systems

Room S -125


Urbane Fahrzeugsysteme | Urban vehicle concepts

Room S -195

Mechanical workshop

Foto: OTH Regensburg / Florian Hammerich

Mechanische Werkstatt | Mechanical workshop

Room S -186

Information on occupational safety